2019 Total World Day For Safety
WDFS: TML fights against fatal accidents in 2019
Total Malawi, as part of its World Day for Safety (WDFS) commemoration, held WDFS workshops at its Head office in Blantyre to which staff, contractors and transporters participated in identifying prevalent health and safety issues that need addressing.
Championing the theme "Zero Fatal accidents: For you, for me, for all", the commemoration event was a response to the fatal accidents involving contractors and staff that have taken place across the Total Group internationally and even locally.
Speaking during the event Total's Administration and Finance, Manager Martin Msimuko, emphasized that the goal of the event was to discuss and find ways to avoid accidents.
"The message from Total is that we should not kill ourselves or pedestrians when transporting product or conducting our duties. There are rules that have been put in place for our use in our day to day lives and these rules are meant to protect us so let us adhere to them," he underlined.
Msimuko further explained that Total aims to take a leading role among its staff, contractors, and society to create a safe environment free of accidents as all accidents are avoidable.
Commenting on the same, Total's Operations Manager George Nyondo asked everyone present to go the extra mile to guarantee safety.
"We need to ask ourselves if we have fully done the required procedure no matter how small. Let us do our checklist, the change management and handover, assessment of all the risks and snags," he encouraged.
As an extension to the WDFS event TML also contributed to the safety of students in its environment. The affiliate donated a safety cube and scholar patrol kit to Misesa Primary School in Blantyre as part of the WDFS activities. The school is recognized by the District Education Office and the Road Traffic Directorate as being one of the schools with high incident rates in the region.